Jet Charter Review

Welcome to the Complete Listing of Charter Aircraft in the U.S. and Worldwide

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    Jet Charter Review is simple:

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    2. CLICK to request the aircraft you are interested in along with your charter routing and date(s).
    3. RECEIVE the actual quote(s) for your trip, along with similar other aircraft if more favorable pricing.  Book if you wish.

    Only need general information or ballpark pricing?  Just message us below, or email, or call 888-597-6935.  Friendly charter managers are standing by during business hours and on duty 24/7.

    Not sure what you need, or how best to accomplish your trip?  Our charter managers can advise and suggest how to best fly the trip and meet your goals.  Take advantage of 15 years, over 13,000 charters, and one of the most experienced charter teams in the industry. Jet Charter Review is the straight forward, on-demand flight-by-flight service, and typically the best price option for any given trip.  Fully customize your charter to your goals or requirements, with the largest availability of aircraft and operators in the industry.  No deposits, buy-in, membership fees or committment. Pricing won’t be beat- the industry’s only Best Price Guarantee applies to every charter.  Take advantage of the award winning, multi-accredited charter brokerage,  with a perfect safety history and celebrating 15 years of air charter excellence.

    Every Charter Aircraft & Operator Included

    With Jet Charter Review you have all 7,598 aircraft for charter in the U.S. from all 1,633 charter operators at your fingertips. You are not restricted to a defined fleet or certain operator relationships or networks, and thus have charter flight quality and price options not otherwise available, from the largest listing in the industry. Take advantage of the only public listing with every charter aircraft.

    Locate aircraft and private jets for charter by location– viewing aircraft at a certain base, airport or city, OR find aircraft and search jet charter listings using the detailed search form including aircraft types, sizes, airports, cities, passengers, categories and more.

    Air Charter Information Resource Guide

    What Does Jet Charter Cost?

    Contrary to a lot of PR efforts these days designed to draw attention, flying privately will not be close to or better cost than commercial tickets for any size group.  Typically chartering a private jet of any type is considerably more expensive than first class airline tickets, even when combined.  For example one of the most cost effective jet charters is a same day round trip with one-hour flight times, so two hours of total flying.  With a light jet seating 4-7 passengers maximum, best price options can start at $7,000 all-included.

    For most, flying privately has distinct practical advantages and value for the cost.  As example, for a business group wanting to visit 3 remote locations in one day and be home for dinner, there is no other way to do it than fly privately.  And to accomplish that in one day with a group, back home and in the office the next day, is a great cost/benefit use of productive time.

    Flying privately also has distinct advantages in time savings and convenience.  Simply drive up to your aircraft (no TSA or commercial airport process), your crew loads your bags and you depart.  Upon arrival at your destination FBO or private terminal, you step from your aircraft into your waiting car and on your way.  Comparing total travel times of that same round trip of two 1-hour flights, your commercial airline total travel time of 7 hours becomes 2.5 hours when flying privately.

    Most often light jets all-included will average $3,500 – $5,000 per occupied hour total charter cost.  Midsize jets will average $4,500 – $7,000 per occupied hour total cost.  This goes for one-way or round trip pricing.  One-way light jet charter pricing typically average $4,000 – $5,000 per hour total depending on the routing and aircraft, and round-trip charter pricing typically average $3,500 – $4,500 on a per hour basis.  Much depends on the routing and aircraft scheduling and availability, but with the vast availability and quality options available here, a Best Price Guarantee applies to every flight.

    Chartering Jets & Aircraft, The Experience

    There is no better way to fly than aboard a private aircraft with room and comfort, from your convenient local airport to the local airport nearest your destination, driving right up to your aircraft or using a private FBO (executive terminal). No crowds, lines, hikes, baggage limits or security. Friendly, personal and professional crews welcome you, take your bags and fly “your” aircraft. Watch your crew work up front, from your nicely-appointed executive cabin, with a galley, lavatory and audio/video entertainment.

    With more than 7,500 charter aircraft in the U.S. of all sizes and categories – from large luxury jets to small single engine props – operated by more than 1,600 charter operators, chartering an aircraft for a particular flight for someone unfamiliar with charter, can be a challenge.

    About Charter Aircraft and Operators

    Charter operators are registered by the U.S. Department of Transportation and awarded an air carrier operating certificate from the FAA permitting them to operate charters which carry paying passengers. Part-135 of the Federal Aviation Regulations governs charters, charter operators, charter aircraft, maintenance, crews and more. Part-135 which governs these On-Demand, or ‘unscheduled’, flights is nearly as demanding as Part-121 which governs ‘scheduled’ flights and air carrier airlines.

    Becoming an FAA certificated Air Carrier, or charter operator in this case, is a detailed and lengthy (some say grueling) process, often taking more than a year with extensive documentation, information, testing, as well as live flight testing of aircraft and crew with a designated FAA examiner. Every awarded Part-135 Charter Certificate has Operations Specifications which govern approved aircraft types and models, where charters may operate i.e. over water, international countries, etc., and other maintenance, crew, and operating standards that are approved under the certificate.

    Charter operators receive continual oversight and guidance from the FAA through 82 distinct local FAA Flight Standards District Offices (FSDO), and other field and regional offices nationwide. Pilots must undergo and pass extensive recurrent training in their designated aircraft or an approved simulator, typically every 6

    Heavy Charter Jets by Location

    Jet Charter Large-Exterior
    Jet Charter Large-Interior

    Gulfstream 550
    Gulfstream V
    Gulfstream 450
    Gulfstream IV-SP
    Gulfstream IV
    Gulfstream III
    Gulfstream II-SP
    Global 5000
    Global Express
    Challenger SE
    Challenger 605
    Challenger 604
    Challenger 601
    Challenger 600
    Gulfstream 200
    Challenger 300
    Falcon 2000
    Falcon 9000
    Falcon 900
    Falcon 50
    Embraer Legacy

    Midsize Charter Jets by Location

    Jet Charter Midsize-Exterior
    Jet Charter Midsize-Interior

    Citation X
    Citation Sovereign
    Citation Latitude
    Citation XLS
    Citation Excel
    Citation VII
    Embraer 450
    Hawker 900XP
    Hawker 850XP
    Hawker 800XP
    Hawker 800A
    Learjet 75
    Gulfstream 150
    Gulfstream 100
    Learjet 60
    Learjet 55
    Learjet 45

    Light Charter Jets by Location

    Jet Charter Light-Exterior
    Jet Charter Jetinside

    Citation Encore
    Citation Ultra
    Citation V
    Citation Bravo
    Citation II/S
    Citation I-SP
    Citation M2
    Citation CJ4
    Citation CJ3
    Citation CJ2
    Citation M2
    Learjet 40
    Learjet 31A
    Learjet 35A
    Phenom 300
    Hawker 400XP
    Nextant 400XT
    Beechjet 400A
    Premier 1A
    Falcon 10
    Westwind II

    Very Light Charter Jets (VLJ) by Location

    Jet Charter VLJ-Exterior
    Jet Charter VLJ-interior

    Phenom 100
    Citation Mustang
    Cirrus Jet
    Eclipse 500

    Turboprop Charters by Location

    Jet Charter Executive-Turboprop-Exterior
    Jet Charter Turboprop Inside

    King Air 350i
    King Air 300
    King Air B200
    King Air 200
    King Air 100
    King Air C90B
    Pilatus PC-12
    Socata TBM 850
    Socata TBM 700
    Piper Meridian
    Cessna Grand Caravan
    Pigaggio Avanti
    Quest Kodiak
    Metroliner III

    Large Capacity Charters

    Jet Charter Dornier 328
    Jet Charter Embraer-145-interior

    BBJ Boeing Business Jet
    Boeing 737 VIP
    Boeing 737
    Boeing 747 VIP
    Boeing 757
    Boeing 767
    Boeing 777 VIP
    Airbus A319
    Airbus A320
    Bombarier CRJ-200 VIP
    Dornier 328 Jet
    Embraer ERJ-135
    Embraer ERJ-145
    Embraer ERJ-175
    Embraer EMB-120
    Saab 340-B
    Beechcraft 1900C
    Jetstream 32
    Jetstream 41

    Safety Summary

    The extensive requirements, training and oversight of charter aviation in U.S. has resulted in the safest charter operating environment in the world, with an accident rate comparable to the scheduled airlines. Part-135 On-Demand operations in the U.S. achieved a fatal accident rate of 1 per every 1,428,571 flight hours.
    Source: 2009 FAA Aviation Accident Statistics

    A factual summary of Charter Safety Ratings Info, including FAA charter certification and the popular third-party safety ratings programs such as ARG/US Aviation Research Group/US, Wyvern Ltd, and IS-BAO, is part of this website as a free resource.

    About The Charter Aircraft

    Private aircraft become available for charter typically in two different ways:

    1. Managed Aircraft. An aircraft owner puts their airplane under management by an aviation company. This company then manages the aircraft- provides maintenance, professional crews and operational support. The company adds it to their FAA Charter Certificate and charters it out when the owner is not using it. Portions of the charter revenue then help to offset the owners’ costs, and pay for the aviation company functions in managing the aircraft.
    2. Owned Aircraft. An aviation company who is an FAA Part-135 (charter) Certificated Operator (certified Air Carrier) may own their own aircraft that they charter out as their business. They may also sell time on the aircraft, usually in a numbers of flying hours, and they also may use the aircraft for their own business or personal purposes. In essence they are managing their own aircraft for profit. Charter operators may own and charter any number of aircraft. Some own, manage and charter only one aircraft, while others own, manage and charter their own fleet.

    About Aircraft Positioning and Costs

    Charter quotes generally include all flying time costs required for a charter, including moving, or “positioning”, the aircraft to the departure point or returning it to base after. So for example a charter flight of 2 hours may have 3 or 4 hours flying cost in the quote, to include whatever aircraft positioning it takes for that aircraft and crew to fly the desired trip and return to base. For example, a quote for a flight from Van Nuys, CA to Aspen, CO may include the cost of the aircraft returning to its base at Van Nuys, since those expenses are incurred to fly the requested charter.

    In an attempt to minimize these positioning costs, floating fleet operators are relatively new to the charter industry within the past 10 years. They attempt to keep their planes “on the road” and link together point-to-point charters, sometimes called “one-ways”, and which don’t need as much positioning for the one-way flight as a based aircraft. They hope to cover a particular one-way charter with less positioning and thus less cost, being more competitive in the market for that flight.

    Air Charter Rates & Pricing

    Several factors go into pricing and quoting a charter:

    1. Base Hourly Rate. All aircraft have a basic hourly rate which applies to all flying time associated with a charter. This is usually the published base rate. Many people, by comparing just those rates, falsely determine which aircraft will be less expensive than others for a charter. In fact, many factors go into quoting a charter and every aircraft operator, and their quoting program, quotes differently. In many cases, an aircraft with a higher hourly rate will have a lower total quote for a charter.
    2. Fuel Surcharge. Often times the second largest part of a charter quote, this is a differential number that adjusts for fuel price fluctuations. An aircraft’s base hourly rate will remain constant, and the fuel surcharge will fluctuate up or down to accommodate for changes in market fuel prices.
    3. Airport Fees or Ramp Fees. Most FBO’s charge a fee for using their facility, services, personnel and ramp space. This fee may range from $25 for a small single engine airplane up to several hundred for a large jet. Often FBO’s will give a break or waive the fee if the aircraft purchases a certain amount of fuel from the FBO. In quoting charters, these fees are either included in a total charter cost or separately itemized. Typically the airport itself receives a portion of the receipts from the FBO’s ramp fees and fuel sales, as one of several income sources to pay for airport operation costs.
    4. Overnight Fees. Often called an RON, for Remain Over Night, this covers the cost of housing the crew and aircraft overnight. The aircraft is charged an overnight fee for its ramp or hangar space, and the crew members need hotel and meals in the overnight location. This fee typically ranges from $300 for a single-pilot small airplane, to $650 for a jet and crew. Larger jets with 3 crew members can be more, up to $1200 per night. International RON’s are usually higher, in the $1,200 – $1,800 range.
    5. Taxes & Fees. To help pay for the Aviation system services in the U.S., the government imposes an excise tax and segment fees on charters in aircraft weighing more than 6,000 gross weight. This includes most aircraft starting at turboprops and up. The applicable excise tax is 7.5% of the charter amount. Segment Fees are $3.70 for each passenger on each flight leg.

    Charter companies quote in different ways. Some quote on an itemized form breaking out each cost item. Others quote one total number that is all-inclusive, or specify what may be additional. Most important is to know what is included in the total quote, and what is not included. Some companies do not include taxes or ramp fees in their quotes in order to present a more enticing number, and then bill those items after the charter.

    Comparing only the published hourly charter rates, as in item #1 above, can be misleading. Computer quoting programs are many and varied, and are tuned differently for flight times, airspeeds, taxi times, etc. Some programs add some padding, or extra flight minutes, to cover unexpected extra engine time or headwinds. Published hourly rates are not an apples-to-apples comparison.

    Jet Charter Directory: Charter Jet and Aircraft Base Locations

    Jet & aircraft charters available from these and more airport locations.
    Some aircraft types may not be available for charter at all locations.


    Fort Lauderdale FloridaMiami FloridaWest Palm Beach FloridaKey West FloridaNaples FloridaSt. Petersburg FloridaTampa FloridaStuart FloridaBoca Raton FloridaClearwater FloridaGainesville Florida
    Tallahassee Florida
    Pensacola Florida
    Panama City Florida
    Jacksonville Florida
    Orlando Florida
    Daytona Beach Florida
    Destin Florida
    Sarasota FloridaFort Myers Florida
    New Orleans Louisiana
    Lafayette Louisiana
    Baton Rouge Louisiana
    Raleigh-Durham North Carolina
    Charlotte North Carolina
    Columbia South Carolina
    Charleston South Carolina
    Atlanta GeorgiaAgusta GeorgiaMacon Georgia
    Nashville TennesseSmyrna TennesseeGallatin TennesseeMemphis TennesseeKnoxville TennesseeChattanoogaTennessee
    Lexington Kentucky
    Birmingham AlabamaMontgomery AlabamaMobile Alabama
    New Orleans Louisiana
    Shreveport Louisiana
    Jackson Mississippi
    Little Rock Arkansas
    New Orleans Louisiana
    Baton Rouge Louisiana
    Lafayette Louisiana


    Denver ColoradoAspen ColoradoVail ColoradoEagle ColoradoSteamboat SpringsTelluride ColoradoColorado Springs ColoradoBroomfield ColoradoRifle ColoradoFort Collins ColoradoSalt Lake City UtahOgden UtahHeber City UtahSt. George Utah
    Kalispel Montana
    Bozeman Montana
    Billings Montana
    Boise Idaho
    Sun Valley IdahoHailey IdahoPocatello IdahoTwin Falls IdahoJackson WyomingJackson Hole WyomingCasper WyomingGillette WyomingCheyenne Wyoming
    Seattle Washington
    Spokane Washington
    Tacoma Washington
    Everett Washington
    Honolulu Hawaii
    Maui Island Hawaii
    Kona Hawaii

    Portland Oregon
    Hillsboro Oregon
    Bend Oregon

    Bandon Oregon
    Medford Oregon


    New York New YorkWhite Plains New YorkRochester New YorkAlbany New YorkFarmingdale New YorkSouthhampton New YorkWesthampton New YorkTeterboro New Jersey
    Morristown New Jersey
    Trenton New Jersey
    Atlantic City New Jersey
    Millville New Jersey
    Caldwell New Jersey
    Hartford Connecticut
    Bridgeport Connecticut
    New Haven Connecticut
    Boston Massachusetts
    Bedford Massachusetts
    Cleveland Ohio
    Columbus Ohio
    Cincinnati Ohio
    Akron Ohio
    Dayton Ohio
    Baltimore Maryland
    Washington DC DullesWashington DC ReaganMartinsburg VirginiaManassas Virginia
    Richmond Virginia
    Philadelphia Pennsylvania
    Pittsburgh Pennsylvania
    Harrisburg Pennsylvania
    Allentown Pennsylvania
    Providence Rhode Island
    Waterford Michigan
    Pontiac Michigan
    Detroit Michigan
    Ypsilanti Michigan
    Grand Rapids Michigan
    Lancing Michigan

    Air Charter Directory: Aircraft Charter Listings Available

    Jet Charter Review a service of New Flight Charters

    Jet Charter Review is the Air Charter Directory service of New Flight Charters

    This complete private jet and charter aircraft listing is presented by the air charter industry experts at New Flight Charters and is subject to changes and availability.

    Contact a friendly and helpful Charter Manager at New Flight Charters for any questions, information or charter quotes at (888) 597-6935 or

    Since 2004 charter aircraft owner and leading U.S. private jet charter company New Flight Charters has arranged private domestic and international flights with top-rated operator aircraft along with its Best Price Guarantee, top aircraft availability and a perfect safety history. As a registered U.S. government contractor with an A+ rating by the BBB, and named to the Inc.500 fastest growing list four consecutive years, the jet charter company serves a wide variety of clientele including Fortune 500 companies, government heads of state, presidential campaigns, entertainment icons, private families and entrepreneurs.